
Reference No:
C DPF/27/204
29 Jan 1910

Ship No. 102938 Name. Adelaide Letter & No. H239 Owner. J Vivian Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. Edward Haddican / Charles Frey / G Pettman / F Jackson / E Williams 2nd Hand. C Sullivan Bswn. A E Wood 3rd Hand. G Smith 4th Hand. H Godman

Record of Death or Injury. North Sea 6/10/09 11.35pm C Frey skipper. Suicide by jumping overboard.

Record of Casualty.

29/9/09 North Sea. No damage to our vessel. Collision with the ST Bute of Hull. We ran into her whilst approaching the cutter. The skipper was in charge at the time of the accident.


I certify that after enquiry I am satisfied that the death of skipper C Frey was in accordance with the circumstances reported, and that I consider further investigation unnecessary.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns