St Maurice

Reference No:
C DPF/27/492
20 Jan 1910

Ship No. 116121 Name. St Maurice Letter & No. H715 Owner. H Hall Skipper. William Grantham / W Newby 2nd Hand. F E Sharpe Bswn. E Wootten 3rd Hand. J Norman 4th Hand. J Horne

Record of Death or Injury.

20th September 1909 F E Sharpe, mate. Broken right leg. Caused by bobbin slipping whilst be hove up & falling on leg. 11/12/09 Arthur Aspin, spare hand. Accident to left thumb, crushed by winch through slipping on deck.

Record of Casualty.

October 5th no damage. Seeking anchorage, steaming dead slow vessel grounded. ( off in 5 minutes )

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns