St Clair

Reference No:
C DPF/27/570
23 Jul 1910

Ship No. 118797 Name. St Clair Letter & No. H803 Owner. H Hall Skipper. W E Brown / W Newby 2nd Hand. D Upson Bswn. G Newmarch 3rd Hand. S Bodham 4th Hand. A Durbin

Record of Death or Injury. Exact date is unknown. James Tibble, (see also James Tipple) spare hand, burnt his arm on galley stove.

Official Log. 20th February I discharged a member of the crew named James Tipple on account of said person suffering from burns. I put him ashore at the Westerman Isles Iceland & he went in the Hospital there.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns