
Reference No:
C DPF/27/680
22 Jan 1910

Ship No. 123262 Name. Cassio Letter & No. H889 Owner. Charles Hellyer Skipper. Charles F Loft 2nd Hand. J W Sowter Bswn. J Guyton 3rd Hand. H Patch 4th Hand. A Sinclair

Record of Death or Injury. 6/10/09 North Sea . J Guyton boatswain. F Dunn, 3rd hand. H Frankland, decky. Drowned, boat capsized whilst boarding.

Record of Casualty. 6/10/09 As above. Lost boat, 2 oars & one life buoy. Boat capsized whilst boarding. Certificates. I certify that after enquiry touching the death of J Guyton, F Dunn, and H Frankland. I have reported to the Board of Trade (on Oct. 11th) that I considered the case one requiring further investigation (1) from the Master of the crew of the Carrier Brutus (2) on account of Boarding Regulation 11d not having been complied with.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns