
Reference No:
C DPF/27/772
4 Aug 1910

Ship No. 124804 Name. Buzzard Letter & No. H971 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. H Walker 2nd Hand. J C Gillatt Bswn. W Read 3rd Hand. P Carney

Apprentices on Board.

Walter Sherwood - Spare Hand promoted to Deck Hand 18/3/10. H Rollerson - Deck Hand promoted to 3rd Hand 18/3/10. F Ward - Spare Hand 12/4/1910 North Sea drowned.

Record of Death or Injury.

6.15pm April 12th 1910 Fred Ward, apprentice. Accidental, while shooting the trawl was pulled overboard by the headline and drowned.


I Certify that an inquest was held by the Hull City Coroner touching the death of Apprentice Fred Ward, whole body was recovered & brought back to this Port and that a verdict of accidental death was returned. I consider after also making enquiries & taking depositions that further investigation is unnecessary.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns