Lord Charles Beresford

Reference No:
C DPF/28/558
4 Feb 1911

Ship No. 118848 Name. Lord Charles Beresford Letter & No. H731 Owner. J McCann Skipper. Frederick H Olsen / J Toliday / M Petersen / G Rasmuson 2nd Hand. N P Johansen Bswn. A W Stones 3rd Hand. W Bartlett 4th Hand. R Bernharzig

Record of Death or Injury. 10/9/1910 A Johnsen 3rd hand. Blood poisoned right arm, through being pricked by wire of warp.

Official Log. Owing respectively to injury & Erysipelas , I left two of my crew ashore for medical treatment at Iceland on the 12th & 13th . A Johnsen 3rd hand and T Turner, fisherman.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns