
Reference No:
C DPF/28/765
12 Sep 1911

Ship No. 124804 Name. Buzzard Letter & No. H971 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. H Walker / H Ware 2nd Hand. W Smith Bswn. W Balls

Apprentices on Board.

J W Rollerson - 3rd Hand W Sherwood - Deck Hand J Townsend - 3rd Hand

Record of Death or Injury.

14/3/11 7.50am North sea. W Smith - 2nd Hand, washed overboard & drowned.

J W Rollerson 3rd Hand. Injuries to head & body (slight).

W Sherwood4th Hand. Injuries to left arm & both legs ( slight).

Record of Casualty.

14/3/11/7.50am North Sea. Loss of life buoy, three oars, winch, grating, several fish boxes, fish & pound boards. Washed overboard by the same sea.


I certify that from enquiry I have made I am satisfied the entry here in relating to the death of W Smith 2nd hand, is correct & true and that further enquiry is unnecessary.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns