
Reference No:
C DPF/29/523
3 Aug 1912

Ship No. 113591 Name. Tugela Letter & No. H521 Owner. John Robinson Skipper. William Zoller / V Johnson 2nd Hand. T Dales Bswn. G Bardwick 3rd Hand. E Dale 4th Hand. S Morrod

Record of Death or Injuy. 3rd May 1912 Arthur Aspin, 3rd hand. Slipped when walking as vessel lurched & put his left arm in piston guard of winch when same was working, broke his arm in 3 places. Landed at Trangisvag Faroe.

Official Log. 8/5/12. Date of occurence 4/5/12. I certify that I placed A Aspin in Hopsital at Faroe this day, and that I was unable to report this to the consul as there is not one at that place ( Trangisvag)

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns