St Johns

Reference No:
C DPF/29/60
13 Feb 1912

Ship No. 129270 Name. St Johns Letter & No. H81 Owner. J Vivian Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co.Ltd Skipper. J Kelly / W A Rich 2nd Hand. W A Rich Bswn. Thomas Holness 3rd Hand. A Sinclair 4th Hand. H Wilson

Record of Death or Injury.

November 4th Henry Wilson, deck hand. Distress of weather and by the vessel shipping a sea, he was washed overboard.

13/1/12 H Shapero 3rd hand. Slight injury whilst launching boat to board cutter.

Certificates. I have enquired into the circumstances attending the death of Hy Wilson and am satisfied as to the correctness of the statement in his log book as to the cause of death & that further inquiry is unnecessary.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns