
Reference No:
C DPF/29/617
2 Feb 1912

Ship No. 118762 Name. Auk Letter & No. H755 Owner. Kelsall Bros & Beeching Ltd Skipper. A Jay (see also A Joy) / W Pocklington 2nd Hand. F W Newton Bswn. R Brown 3rd Hand. F S Newton 4th Hand. T Lee

Apprentices on Board.

T W Dayes - 3rd Hand 27/10/11 Ill - bruised ribs. T W Rollerson - 3rd Hand 22/12/11 Ill - Pleuritic left lung sent in by Merlin.

Record of Death or Injury.

25/10/11 - T W Dayes, apprentice 3rd hand. Ribs crushed trapped between after door & casing.

North Sea January 2 1912 H Shuttleworth deck hand. Septic foot caused by a knock against the hatch whilst putting up the lights.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns