
Reference No:
C DPF/29/790
7 Oct 1912

Ship No. 123295 Name. Myton Letter & No. H918 Owner. John Arthur Laverack Skipper. E E Nilsson 2nd Hand. P Nielsen Bswn. G Hargraves 3rd Hand. T Carlson 4th Hand. G Millman

Record of Casualty. 21/9/12 struck rocks and damaged bow & bottom. Vessel sank.

Certificates. September 23rd 1912 British Consulate Thorshaven .I hereby certify that the master called at this consulate today to report the foundering of the within described vessel SS Myton on September 21 1912 off the south coast of Sudero, Faroe Isles. I have examined the master and crew respecting the casualty and forwarded a report to the Board of Trade. The master who will discharge his crew at Hull where they will be sent by the first opportunity, has delivered to me his Certificate of Registry and also his Fishing Certificate of Registry. Log book returned September 24th 1912. A Coates Consul.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns