Sparkling Sea

Reference No:
C DPF/3/316
18 Jan 1886

Ship no. 75337 Name. Sparkling Sea Letters & No. H1017 Owner. James Harding Skipper. Daniel Frederick Nelson 2nd Hand. Thomas Jones 3rd Hand. Dex Vickers

Apprentices on Board.

F W Webster - 4th Hand

Memoranda by Skipper.

On October 17th Walter Martin. Cook refused to work, during the night we shot our gear and when we were hauling in next morning I noticed all the fish leaving the net from the cod end & i then discovered that 14 meshes had been cut. Martin eventually admitted having done this damage willfully and when we arrived in port on 26th I had Martin arrested & taken before the magistrate who sentenced him to 4 weeks imprisonment with hard labour for refusing to obey lawful command & wilful damage.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns