
Reference No:
C DPF/30/187
19 Jul 1913

Ship No. 105083 Name. Cuckoo Letter & No. H309 Owner. J McCann Skipper. S Rawlinson / J W Naylor 2nd Hand. A Rylett Bswn. H Gome 3rd Hand. E Bell 4th Hand. H Sergeant

Apprentices on Board.

William Dean - Extra Hand 1/1 per month.

Record of Death or Injury.

23/2/13 off Spurn Point. S Steels, trimmer. Head came in contact with lamp and as a result of rubbing his hair with his hands covered with paraffin it caught fire.

25/3/13 H Sergeant 4th hand right foot injured fore trawl boom fell on it.

2/4/13 W R Fire 3rd hand. Right thumb crushed whilst hooking chain stopper on trawl board.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns