
Reference No:
C DPF/30/58
10 Jul 1913

Ship No. 95831 Name. Victoria Letter & No. H96 Owner. Charles Hudson Skipper. John Reader / S Reader 2nd Hand. S Reader 3rd Hand. J Hughes 4th Hand. T Jinks

Record of Death or Injury.

February 14th 1913 5am Edward Faragher, deck hand. Through bollard breaking whilst towing our trawl, warp snapped and caused compound fracture of leg .At 9am the injured man died whilst we were proceeding to Milford. 6/4/13 John Fisher, deck hand. Injury to groin through striking forecastle ladder.

Record of Casualty. 14/2/13. Fore bollard on starboard side broke, also fore warp. Through coming fast with our gear to a foul bottom.

Official Log. The clothes belonging to the deceased Edward Faragher left at customs Peel Isle of Man on the 17th February 1913. The official log found on page 13 goes on to list the belongings.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns