
Reference No:
C DPF/5/205
23 Jul 1888

Ship No.68673 Name. Violet Letters & No. H820 Owner. John Munby Skipper.Thomas Hughes 2nd Hand. Charlie Hodson 3rd Hand. John Kemp

Record of Death or Injury. John Joseph Kemp 3rd Hand drowned. 25th May 1888 North Sea. Smacks boat was returning from boarding cutter when a sea suddenly struck her swamping her caused to capsize. There were 3 of the of the Hull smack Integrity in the boat besides 3 of our own hands, their boat having previously capsized alongside the cutter. Thomas Green 2nd hand of the Integrity was drowned at the same time as our 3rd hand from our boat.

Record of Casualty. 25th May 1888 North sea. Lost our boat through its capsizing whilst returning from boarding fish.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns