
Reference No:
C DPF/5/299
23 Jul 1888

Ship No.73164 Name. Impel Letters & No. H962 Owner. Joseph Cook Skipper. J Rumble 2nd Hand. J B Craven 3rd Hand. G Green / T Butler

Apprentices on Board.

Thomas Walton - 4th Hand

Memoranda by Skipper.

This is to certify that Thomas Walton Deck hand & T Tomlinson cook, did on the 21st of June start fighting and using violence to the 3rd Hand . July 21st 1888. As I consider T Tomlinson cook to have been the one to blame for the above disturbance I have inflicted a fine of 5/- .

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

Name of person illtreated - T Butler 3rd Hand. name of person by whom illtreated - T Tomlinson cook & T Walton 4th Hand. 21st June at sea. Assaulted struck a blow in the face by both Tomlinson & Walton.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns