Good Hope

Reference No:
C DPF/7/62
19 Jul 1890

Ship No.95816 Name.Good Hope Letter & No. H83 Owner. W R Leyman Skipper. John Henry Hunter 2nd Hand. James H Bishop 3rd Hand. Charles Davis 4th Hand. Thomas Tomlinson

Memoranda by Skipper.

For willfully wasting the following provisions during the voyage the sum of 7/6 has been deducted from the wages of the cook A W W Pinter 4 tins of milk 5 & a half d = 1-10 2 stone sugar 2/4 = 4.8 A & a half lbs beef 8d = 1.0 ,7-6 and further the sum of 12/6 for the whole voyage has been deducted from his wages he having proved utterly incompetent to perform the duties required of him.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns