
Reference No:
C DPF/8/24
10 Aug 1891

Ship No. 93105 Name. Jubilee Letter & No.H15 Owner. H A Newton secretary of the Great Northern Fishing Co. Skipper. John Hoite Warman 2nd Hand. G S Allen Chief Eng. Charles Robinson 2nd Eng. David Findley

Memoranda by Skipper.

March 11 1891. In picking up a smacks boat we found a man dead in tangle with the painter. I arrived at Hull on the 12th March and gave him over to the police. The boat being that of the Toiler of Hull and the deceased the 3rd hand of that vessel. May 10th The Deck hand of the smack Eva Potter came onboard my ship whilee taking in Cargo from the Great Northern Fleet. Commenced to curse ans swore close by my cabin I ordered him off but he refused and threatened to strike me and then fought with one of my crew and got the worse for it. He returned to his ship being sorry for what he had done.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns