
Reference No:
C DPF/8/391
12 Jan 1891

Ship No. 79015 Name. Rochefort Letter & No. H1143 Owner. Richard Thomas Vivian Skipper. H Farrow 2nd Hand. F Lynch 3rd Hand. W Jones 4th Hand. J Bettles

Memoranda by Skipper. On Sunday the 20th day of July, whilst the Great Northern Fleet in the North Sea, I had the misfortune to run down the boat of the smack Percy Walter of Hull, which caused her to capsize, & one of its occupants C Thomas 3rd hand of that vessel was drowned. We were running down to the cutter Jubilee to board our fish & there were about 50 other vessels laid close to the cutter. We did our best to save the 2 occupants by throwing ropes & life buoy to them, but they failed to grasp either. One of the two, however, was saved by getting hold of the boat to which he clung until rescued by a passingg boat.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns