
Reference No:
C DPF/8/626
2 Mar 1891

Ship No. 88179 Name. Pinta Letter & No. H1393 Owner. S L Haldane / Pickering & Haldane Skipper. Enoch Lilley 2nd Hand. W James 3rd Hand. E Emslie / Henry Williams 4th Hand. J Taylor

Record of Death or Injury.

Grimsby Rds River Humber 29 November 1890 from 6 to 7pm. Henry Williams 3rd hand. Verdict at inquest, died from exposure & excessive drinking. Deceased & 2nd hand proceeded ashore in their boat in the early morning for the purpose of taking fish to the Grimsby Market & about 6.30pm same day, boat was found ashore at Cleethorpes with the two men in her. Williams being dead or dying a few minutes after the boat was discovered.

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Hull City Archives
Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns