North Sea

Reference No:
C DPF/9/213
18 Jul 1892

Ship No. 98745 Name. North Sea Letter & No. H147 Owner. Edward B Cargill Skipper. William H Morgan 2nd Hand. Thomas Griffin 3rd Hand. G Foster 4th Hand. J Wilman

Record of Illtreatment or Punishment.

17th June 1892 5.50am North Sea. Name of person illtreated - Henry Lilly Boswn. Some disagreement had arisen between the 2 men . Deliberately stabbed him in the back with a pocket knife.

Memoranda by Skipper.

I hereby certify that the fine to which J A White the 2nd Eng. rendered himself liable under Regulation 3 for maintaining discipline for the assault committed by him on Henry Lilly the Boswn. has not been enforced. Lillys injury not being of a serious nature, no legal proceedings have been taken against White.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns