Sarah Ann

Reference No:
C DPF/9/598
22 Aug 1892

Ship No. 82518 Name. Sarah Ann Letter & No. H1322 Owner. Emma Board Skipper. Benjamin Jewsbury 2nd Hand. Henry Parkinson 4th Hand. A H Bartlett

Apprentices on Board.

Frederick Cooper Savage - 3rd Hand time expired 13/8/92.

Record of Casualty.

February 7th 1892 Great Silver Pit. Damaged warp, through smack Shakespeare H1464 towing across. February 8th 1892 Great Silver Pit. Damaged warp, through smack M de Maerschalk of Hull towing across.

Memoranda by Skipper.

July 27th . Lord salisbury of Hull No. 1460 collided with us breaking our bowsprit.

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Fishing Vessel Crew Agreements Yearly Returns