Records of the Hull Lydian Male Voice Choir



Admin History:

In 1942 members of the National Fire Service formed the Hull N.F.S. Male Voice Singers as a way of raising spirits during WWII. At the end of the war the choir altered its name to the 'Hull Lydian Male Voice Choir' and continued to conduct its activities. The choir was part of a strong musical heritage in Hull, existing alongside choral ensembles such as the Hull Male Voice Choir and the Albion Ladies Musical Society, and was one of a number of such organisations involved in the Humberside and Driffield District of the National Association of Choirs.

A committee consisting of a chairman, vice-chairman, honorary secretary, honorary treasurer, and four members, oversaw the business of running the choir. Officers were elected annually, whilst the four committee members served four-yearly terms and each one was elected by a one of the four groups of voices (first tenors, second tenors, baritones, basses) constituting the choir. The conductor and deputy conductor, later known as the musical director and deputy musical director, were automatically appointed as members of the committee [C DSLM/1/2/5]. The business of electing and co-opting officers and committee members was transacted at Annual General Meetings usually held in October [C DSLM/1/1].

The committee was responsible for determining subscription rates and rehearsal dates, organising annual dinners, and were also responsible for arranging for the choir's participation in festivals, concerts, and charity events. Such business was transacted at regular committee meetings and was recorded in minutes taken by the honorary secretary [C DSLM/1/1/2-3]. Ordinary business of the choir, involving singing practice and the reporting of committee business, was transacted at weekly rehearsals. At these rehearsals members were required to pay their subscription fees, these payments being recorded in attendance registers [C DSLM/4/3-4].

Various premises were used for the holding of AGMs, Committee meetings, and rehearsals by the choir. These premises included the Young Persons Institute in the 1950s, Blundell Street School in the 1960s, Brunswick Avenue Junior High School in the 1970s and 1980s, St Charles R.C. Primary School in the late 1980s and 1990s, and Wyke College from the late 1990s onwards [C DSLM/1].

From the outset, the objectives of the choir were to advance the knowledge and enjoyment of part-singing by participation in musical festivals and concerts, and also the promotion of personal acquaintance and good fellowship amongst its members [C DSLM/1/2/5]. With this in mind, when first formed the choir was a 'Festival Choir', competing in various musical festivals in the north of England in the period 1945-1964. Surviving reports completed by festival judges record the successes of the choir at these competitions [C DSLM/7]. In both 1950 and 1951 the Choir was of such repute as to be invited to participate in BBC Home Service broadcasts alongside Hull Ladies Festival Choir, which broadcasts were recorded at the Young Persons Institute in Hull [C DSLM/6/15]. The choir was also invited to take part in the BBCs Songs of Praise programme in both 1995 and 1999 [C DSLM/2/1/3].

The Choir was well known for its contribution to local charity work and for its co-operation with local musical associations. Concerts were organised for various charities including Age Concern and the Fledgling Trust. Notably the choir participated in the regular 'Yorkshire Festival of Music' held at the Royal Albert Hall during the 1990s in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research. The Choir was often invited to perform alongside other local choral ensembles, and for a time regular appearances were made at the concerts of the Ladies Albion Musical Society. Publicity material [C DSLM/5] and correspondence [C DSLM/3] record this aspect of the choir's work.

In later years, and with dwindling numbers, there came a change in focus away from competitive advancement of singing, towards 'pleasure and enjoyment in singing, with others' [C DSLM/1/2/5]. In this context the choir continued to participate in charity events and concerts, and the series of 'American Concerts' hosting guest American choirs became a regular feature on the choir's calendar. However, at a General Meeting held 27 Apr 2005, continued declining membership led members to agree a resolution that the committee should wind up the choir. Confirmation of this decision was recorded in the minutes of a Committee Meeting held 11 May 2005 and the necessary arrangements concerning disposal of assets were discussed [C DSLM/1/1/3].

During the course of 63 years the Hull Lydian Male Voice Choir contributed to the musical life and social welfare of Hull and the Humberside region. Numerous people contributed to the sucesses of the choir, such people notably including Frederick J. Arnold, R.A. Sales, W.E. Wright, Mary Yallop, and Elizabeth Wilson who all served in the capacity of conductor/musical director.

Records of the Hull Lydian Male Voice Choir, formed in 1942 by members of the National Fire Service. Contains the following records: Minutes and Associated Records, 1959-2005 [C DSLM/1]; Correspondence, 1950-2004 [C DSLM/2]; Financial Records, 1947-2005 [C DSLM/3]; Membership Records, 1954-2005 [C DSLM/4]; Publicity Material, 1944-2005 [C DSLM/5]; Press Cuttings, 1947-2001 [C DSLM/6]; Music Competition Festival Reports, 1945-1964 [C DSLM/7] Photographs, 1940s-2004 [C DSLM/8]; and Objects, 20th cent. [C DSLM/9].