Records relating to Hull Women's Luncheon Club



Admin History:

On the 17 March 1924, the first Committee Meeting of what was to become the Hull Women's Luncheon Club was held. The founder of the club was Mrs Priestley Cooper who invited five other ladies to become members of the Committee. The Committee then invited more professional women to become members of the club. The Committee decided that numbers were not to exceed 100 members and that no member was to be under 25 years of age. The first luncheon was held on 11 June 1924 in the 'Special Room' at Hammonds Department Store.

On the 22 July 1926 the first Annual Conference of Women's Clubs was held at the Victory Hotel, Briggate, Leeds and the President and Committee of the Hull Women's Luncheon Club attended.

Each year an Annual Dinner was organised. The Annual Dinner held by the club was an open meeting to which members were invited to bring a guest, man or woman. However, during the 1960s the Annual Dinner was changed to a Luncheon to which the Civic Heads of the City and the Presidents of the Hull Clubs were invited.

The club continued to increase in membership and at its peak had as many as 350 members, far exceeding the original quota of 100. However, in the latter end of the Club's life a decline in numbers was noticed, as younger women, on marryng, were no longer available to join a Luncheon Club as they continued to go out to work.

The final meeting of the Hull Women's Luncheon Club was held in January 2008.

Includes minute books, visitors book, photographs