The Records of the Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors



Admin History:
The earliest acts for the relief of insolvent debtors placed the burden of their administration on local courts of Quarter Sessions. This arrangement was terminated in 1824 when the local work was transferred to visiting commissioners sent out by the central Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. It is the records of the Courts held by these commissioners at Kingston upon Hull which are listed here.
Much of the material consists of formal records and most of the interest is to be found in the records of individual cases. Routine matter, such as the petition from the person imprisoned for debt which opened the case, the order for the case to be heard, and the final adjudication, predominates. There are also estate papers, balance sheets and schedules of debts and credits which give some idea of the scope and nature of the business activities of the small traders who appear in this records.