Lists of first aid repairs to war damaged properties with costs

Reference No:
C TAY/S/127-136
4 Apr 1942

Serial number: 127

Contractor: F. Hall and sons

Order number: 79983, 83265

Serial number: 128

Contractor: F. Sewell and Son

Order number: 75646, 78810

Serial number: 129

Contractor: Direct Labour and Sundry Charges

Order number: Account 1-13

Serial number: 130

Contractor: Direct Labour and Sundry Charges

Order number: Account 14-167

Serial number: 131

Contractor: Direct Labour and Sundry Charges

Order number: Account 14-232 Non Corporation

Serial number: 132

Contractor: Hey and Murfin - Wombwell

Order number: 90935

Serial number: 133

Contractor: Brighouse pool

Order number: 79953, 87405

Serial number: 134

Contractor: Barnsley pool

Order number: 79921, 87402

Serial number: 135

Contractor: Barnsley pool

Order number: 90933

Serial number: 136

Contractor: Shipley pool

Order number: 83225, 83285

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Hull City Archives
City Architects Records relating to the repair of war damaged property and other wartime functions