Records of the Hull City Council Leisure Services Committee



Admin History:

The Leisure Services Committee was established in 1975 and like many other of the more modern committees, it's powers, duties and responsibilities were clearly defined from its inception.

Advisory Powers and Duties

To recommend to the council as to the general provision of physical recreation facilities: entertainments; catering services; cemeteries and burial grounds, crematoria, mortuaries and allotments.

Delegated Powers

1) To exercise the powers and duties of the Council as to the maintenance and management of:-

a) Public parks and gardens, recreational and pleasure grounds, playing fields, golf courses and amenity areas.

b) Allotments.

c) Public and conference halls.

d) Swimming pools and ancillary facilitates.

e) Facilities for sport and other recreation.

f) Public laundries.

2) To give financial assistance and encouragement to persons or bodies providing or engaging in the activities mentioned in 1)

3) To provide musical or other entertainments not within the purview of the Cultural Services Committee and to give financial assistance and encouragement to persons or bodies providing or engaging in such activities.

4) To be responsible for the laying out and maintenance of grassed areas, grass verges, open spaces and other horticultural features in the city and for the planting and maintenance of trees in and adjacent to highways and streets, as necessary, in accordance with agency arrangements with Humberside County Council.

5) To exercise the powers and duties of the council in relation to the mortuary, cemeteries, burial grounds and crematoria.

6) To provide suitable catering services.

7) To make arrangements for the annual Hull Show and Hull Fair.

Authorisation to Officers

To the Director of Leisure Services

1) To make all arrangements for entertainments not within the responsibility for other Chief Officer

2) To deal with applications for the use of parks, playing fields, athletic tracks and equipment, including the allocation of football pitches and for the use of swimming pool and ancillary facilities; to authorise the use of parks for car parks on special occasions; to authorise bonfires in parks; to arrange open golf meetings; to arrange the staging of exhibitions; to provide free recreational facilities to ships on courtesy visits to the city.

3) To accept surrender of niches at the crematorium and burial rights in cemeteries

4) To authorise the termination of allotment tenancies; to permit the erection of buildings on allotments.

To the Civic Catering Manager (in consultation with the Director of Leisure Services)

to agree terms to the provision of catering facilities in accordance with the council's policy.

In 1983 was added to the role of the Director of Leisure Services

5) In consultation with the chairman to the committee, to initiate prosecutions in respect of breaches of the bye-laws relating to Public Parks, Pleasure Grounds and open spaces, subject to the Town Clerk being satisfied with the evidence provided.

1984 saw the removal of the delegated powers over public and conference halls and mortuaries. The committee was wound up in 1999 under a major overhaul of the councils' committee system.

Committee records including minutes, correspondence, memos and reports