Hull City Council Recreational Services Committee, records



Admin History:

Recreational Service Committee was established in October 1971 after the city council overhauled it's various committees and it drew elements from the Civic Catering, Parks & Burials, Baths, Property, Public Libraries, City Information and Small Holdings & Allotments Committees. Lie many of the more modern committees, the powers and duties of the Recreational Services Committee were clearly defined from its inception.

It's advisory powers were to recommend to the council as to the general provision of cultural facilities; physical recreational facilities; entertainments; cemeteries, burial grounds, crematoria and allotments.

The committee had a number of delegated powers and duties. These were:-

1) To exercise the powers and duties of the council in relation to public libraries, museums and art galleries.

2) To provide musical, artistic and cultural activities and other entertainments including Hull Fair and the Hull show and to give financial assistance and encouragement to other bodies providing such activities.

3) To exercise the powers and duties of the Council as to the maintenance and management of:

a) Public parks and gardens, recreational and pleasure grounds, playing fields, golf courses and amenity areas;

b) Allotments (including the power and duty to co-opt members for this purposes in accordance with the Allotments Acts);

c) Swimming pools and ancillary facilities;

d) Theatres and place of entertainment;

e) Public and conference halls;

f) Facilities for sport and other recreation.

4) To be responsible for the laying out and maintenance of grassed areas, grass verges, open spaces and horticultural features in the city and for planting and maintenance of trees in an adjacent to highways and streets.

5) To exercise the powers and duties of the Council in relation to cemeteries, burial grounds and crematoria.

6) To provide suitable catering services in the city.

There were three sub-committees with delegated powers. These were: Catering, Parks and Baths Sub-committee; Libraries and Cultural Activities Sub-committee; and the Hull Show and Hull Fair Sub-committee.

In addition the following officers were granted authorised powers: Director of Recreational Services; Director of Parks and Baths; Chief Librarian; Director of the Art Gallery; Director of Museums; and Civic Catering Services Manager.

The Committee was dissolved in February 1974 and its responsibilities passed to either the Leisure Services Committee or the Cultural Services Committee apart from Libraries which were transferred to Humberside County Council.

Minutes of meetings, reports and letters