Hull City Council Smallholding and Allotment Committee records



Admin History:

The Small Holdings and Allotments Committee was set up in February 1908, as a consequence of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act, 1907. It was designated as a standing committee, with members drawn from the Property Committee. Its duties and powers were to carry out the provisions of the Small Holdings and Allotments Acts, and to act as allotment managers under Section 6 of the Allotment Act 1887.

In November 1922, after an enquiry by the city council into it's various committees, the 2 elements were split up. Small Holdings became the responsibility of the Parks and Burials Committee. Allotments were assigned to a separate Allotments Committee, which was not deemed a standing committee. Its duties were similar to its predecessor, in that it was to carry out the provisions of the Small Holdings and Allotments Acts, co-opting members when required.

The 2 elements came together again in 1950, into a new Small Holdings Committee, with allotments as a sub-committee. It had the same duties and powers as before, co-opting members to act only in matters relating to allotments. In May 1970, it was renamed the Allotments and Small Holdings Committee, as the allotments sub-committee was abolished and its powers transferred to the full committee. It met for the last time as a separate committee in September 1971 as responsibility was passed to the Recreational Services Committee

Committee records including minutes, correspondence, tenancy and loan agreements, reports and plans