Records of the Hull City Council Social Services Committee



Admin History:

The Hull City Council Social Services Committee was first established in 1971, taking over from the former Welfare Services Committee (See C TCWS.) Like many of the more modern committees its powers, duties and responsibilities were clearly defined from its inception.

Advisory Powers and Duties.

1.) The establishment of any community home and other residential accommodation, day care, training and other centres and workshops required for the care and welfare of children and young persons, the handicapped and the elderly.

2.) The submission of forward programmes requiring central government approval.

3.) Policy in respect of assistance to voluntary organisations.

4.) To determine policy as to the assessment of maintenance and other financial contributions and other financial arrangements in relation to the services provided by the Committee.

Delegated Powers and Duties

1.) To exercise the powers and duties of the Council under the Local Authority Social Services Act, 1970, including all matters relating to:-

i.) The welfare, care, maintenance and adoptions of children and young persons except in relation to the education and employment;

ii.) Care of unsupported mothers;

iii.) Home helps;

iv.) Family casework and social work for the sick and mentally disordered;

v.) Welfare and care of the elderly;

vi.) Welfare and care of the homeless and needy;

vii.) Welfare and care of the physically handicapped;

viii.) Provision of laundry facilities.

2.) Matters arising in connection with research and with assistance to voluntary organisations, in relation to Social Services.

3.) In exercising their powers and duties, to make arrangements for utilising and co-ordinating the services of voluntary organisations or individuals.

The Committee also had three sub-committees to which it gave Delegated Powers and specific duties. These were the Castle Howard School Sub-committee, the Homes Sub-committee and the Services Sub-committee

The Director of Social Services was given authorisation over certain aspects. These were to:-

1.) To receive, place and discharge children in care or in respect of whom a resolution assuming parental rights is in operation.

2.) To arrange all admissions to residential accommodation of the Council and to utilise when appropriate other local authority voluntary and private residential accommodation.

3.) To board out foster children and to pay allowances and make special payments in accordance with approved scales.

4.) To determine parental contributions.

5.) To determine charges for accommodation and services in accordance with statutory regulations within approved scales.

6.) To make grants to prevent children coming into care up to £50 in any one case, including payments under approved scheme for assisting with electricity charges arrears, (grants above that limit to be approved by the Chairman).

7.) To exercise the powers of the Council as adoption agency.

8.) To provide financial assistance for personal aids, adaptations in the home, telephones, holidays up to a cost of £50 in any one case, (grants above that limit to be approved by the Chairman).

9.) To arrange all admissions to and training allowances relating to sheltered workshops, training centres, day centres etc., and to grant retirement pensions for sheltered workshop employees in accordance with approved scales.

10.) To approve applications for registration of homes for the disabled elderly or mentally disordered, of day nurseries and child minders, and to impose conditions, within settled policy.

11.) To arrange burial and cremations.

In addition to its statutory duties, it had the role of co-ordinating, co-operating with and encouraging the work of other organisations in the city concerned with the welfare of the elderly. The committee was dissolved when responsibility for social services was passed to the newly created Humberside County Council after the re-organisation of local government in 1974. When Humberside was abolished, the new unitary authority of Hull re-established the Social Services Committee in 1995 before the committee was wound up and its responsibilities passed to other committees in 2002.

Committee records including correspondence, memos and reports