Papers relating to Development and Renewal Services

c.19th century-2014


Admin History:

In the late 1990s, the City Council reorgainsed it's services into a series of Directorates. One of these would become Regeneration and Renewal, having previously been called City Regeneration and Economic Development and Regeneration. Within this Directorate were a number of service areas, including Planning. Within Planning came the records from this collection, the section concerned with conservation issues.

The Civic Amenities Act 1967 and the later Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990 would introduce the concept of conservation areas. A general duty of care was placed onto local authorities in respect of conservation areas and listed buildings. Initially for Hull City Council, the section was called 'Implementation' and included other work such as derelict land and the Urban Programme. Eventually, a conservation section was established within the Planning Department. From the 1990s onwards conservation became a team in it's own right and included urban design. In April 2013, conservation was absorbed into a new section called Development Delivery, a multi-disciplinary team.

Includes photographs, papers and material collected during the departments investigations and proposals