Weights, Measures and Meters Department Records



Admin History:

The Weights and Measures Department fixed and regulated the charges for weighing, appointed officers and inspectors to ensure regulation and prosecuted offenders under Weights and Measures Acts. The need for accurate weighing and metering equipment for a town exporting and importing goods was important and Hull was no exception.

The first mention of a weigh house was in 1343 when the corporation maintained its own weighing equipment and established its own department. By 1851, the Metering Committee had been established and re-named the Metering and Weighing Committee by 1863. Meters and Weighing was later transferred to Finance (1879) and then to Markets in 1899, where it remained until the 1970s when it became part of Environmental Services or Public Protection. Many Inspectors of Weighing and Measures were later renamed Trading Standards Officers.

The Hull Union Buildings Company was formed in 1875 with the specific purpose of acquiring 183 High Street Hull for the Corporation's Meters and Weighers and was wound up in 1920 as the status of members had altered.

Record of Standards (1907-1939); Local Standards- weights (1930-1950); Summary of verification (1927-1935): Rules, regulations and scale of charges (1827 and 1955); Meters' Oath (nd. c.1900); Circular announcing extension of duties(1863); Notes of events (1868-9); Minutes of meeting relating to 138 High Street, Hull (1919-1958); Notebook (1903-1913 and 1962); Records of Hull Union Buildings Ltd (1877-1920).