Records of the Coal Inspectors



Admin History:

Local authority supervision of the coal trade was introduced in Hull by the Act of 1810 (50 Geo. III c.41 s.s.91-115) which established the Hull and Myton Improvement Commissioners. It's purpose was to eliminate frauds emanating from the false description, weighing and pricing of coal brought to the town and it's immediate vicinity for sale to consumers, through the activities of the official inspectors. Coal brought to the town by an individual for his own use and not for sale was excluded from their attentions and the act also provided for the compulsory registration of coal porters and the carts used by them.

In 1851 the functions of the Improvement Commissioners were transferred to the Hull Board of Health under the Public Health Act of 1847 and the legislation relating to the coal trade was reiterated with amendments to detail in the improvement act of 1854 (18 & 19 Vict. c.101 s.s. 151-178). A major extension of these powers was obtained in a provisional order of 1863 (confirmed by 26 & 27 Vict. c.32), under which all coal was brought within the inspection procedure, even if it was for export or for consumption by the owner. From 1876, the functions of the Coal Committee of the Board of Health were transferred to the Hull Corporation. It apparently ceased in 1936.

The inspectors appointed under these provisions reported to their employers on the work they had done in different forms at different periods.

(i) 24th June 1810 - 24th June 1851

Annual returns entered in the minutes of the Hull and Myton Improvement Commissioners give:

(a) The number of vessels bringing coal to Hull.

(b) The number of wagons (to June 1836 and the tonnage thereafter). It is not stated, but these appear to be a measure of the quantity loaded on the vessels.

(c) The number of chauldrons. This appears to refer to coal sold.

(d) The number of registered porters.

(e) The number of registered carts.

(ii) 24th June 1851 - 8th May 1865

No returns recorded on the minutes.

(iii) 8th May 1865 - 31st Dec 1879

Fortnightly returns to the coal committee of the Board of Health and from 1876, the corporation give:

(a) The number and tonnage of the sloop cargoes of coal for export (the words "and for slum ships use" were added in August 1865).

(b) The number and tonnage of sloop cargoes for home consumption (redefined as for domestic and manufacturing purposes in August 1865).

(c) The tonnage of coal brought in by railway for export (amended as in (a) above).

(d) The tonnage of coal brought in by railway for home consumption (redefined as in (b) above).

Also from 28th Dec 1867:

(e) The tonnage taken onto steamships for their own consumption.

(f) The tonnage exported.

NB. During 1879 the distinction between (e) and (f) becomes confused. In some returns the breakdown was between all coal shipped on steamers, whether for bunkerage or export and coal shipped on sailing ships. In others, different variants are to be found.

(iv) Jan 1880 - Aug 1922

Monthly returns entered on the minutes of the Coal Committee of the Corporation give:

(a) Number and sloop tonnage of cargoes of coal.

(b) Tonnage of coal brought by railway.

(c) The tonnage brought by river and by railway from each colliery.

Also from Sept 1891:

(d) Running annual total of tonnage exported and shipped coastwise.

(v) Sep 1932 - Dec 1931

No returns recorded

(vi) Jan 1933 - Oct 1936

Monthly returns entered in the report files of the Coal and Purchasing Committee, giving information as in (iv) (a), (b) and (e).

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