Warden Service personnel card

Reference No:
C TYR/1/7323
3 Apr 1941 - 2 Jun 1941

Whole time wardens with very short period of service and of whom we have no further record.

Name: D.Keenan

Home Address: 35 Perry Street, Hull

Commenced: 3 Apr 1941

Number of Cards: 1

On bottom of card : Called for duty and organisation. Revision Aug 1943. 2 Ante Gas 1 he 1b Duties 2 Reporting .Register No. 1151 Instructions, E.HaycockJones, Evan Thomas, 71 Constable Street, Hull. Record No. WPF 1299. Enrolled : 17 Apr 1939

On the back of card:

Name: Catley, George Cyril

Home Address: 187 Alliance Avenue, Hull, Yorks

Business Address: Pickering & Haldane's Steam Trawling Co., Ltd, St. Andrews Dock, Hull

Occupation: Marine Fitter

Born: 16 Oct 1904

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Hull City Archives
Registration of personnel for Civil Defence Service