Hull Corporation Distress Relief Fund



Admin History:
In July 1884, construction work on the Hull, Barnsley and West Riding Junction Dock Railway had stopped for 5 months due to a lack of funds. As a consequence, the workers were not paid. Hull found itself with a large number of men and families, with no means of support. As a consequence a relief fund was established to provide food and comfort for those in need. The administration of the fund was divided into 5 districts. The Eastern area was District No.1; Newington, Coltman and Albert Wards were District No.2; Queens Ward District No.3; Paragon, Botanic and Parks Ward were District No.4 with Central and Beverley Wards making District No.5.
Accounts book; List of donators to the fund; Central committee papers; Bundles of receipts and invoices