Ticket books for the Hull Wool House

Reference No:
C WW/233-234

The ticket books show the quantities of lead placed on each vessel by the various lead merchants. They contain transcriptions of the tickets recording the cargoes loaded on the river craft bringing lead from the mining areas. Each entry has the following information:-

i) The date of its receipt in Hull

ii) The name of the place the cargo was loaded. Generally this was Stockwith but Gainsborough appears regularly as well as York

iii) The name of the vessel

iv) The name of the master

v) Details of the consignment from each owner showing the owners name, the number of pigs (ordinary lead), pieces (small lead) and firkins (red lead) as well as the total number, the merchants mark on the lead, the page reference to the ledger and a serial number which began again each quarter

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Hull City Archives
Hull Wool House accounts