Civil War Tracts

Reference No:
L CWT/12
26 Apr 1642-2 Nov 1642

Includes various tracts relating to the Civil War:

1) A remonstrance of the Lord and Commons assembled in Parliament, or The Reply of both houses, to a printed book, under His Majesties name, called, His Majesties answer to a printed book, entitled, a remonstrance, or the Declaration of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament the 26 of May 1642. in answer to a declaration under His majesties name, concerning the businesse of Hull.

2) His Majesties answer to the declaration of both houses concerning Hull. Sent 4.May 1642.

3a) The Parliaments letter to the King of France wherein they declare the resolution and desires to his sacred Majesty, assented to both houses, September 29.

3b) A short discourse, tending to the pacification of all unhappy differences, between His Majesty and his Parliament.

4) A soveraign antidote to prevent, appease and determine our unnaturall and destructive Civill Warres and dissentions.

5) A wonderful discoverie of a terrible plot against Hull by the designes of the Lord Digby, many papists, and others, of the malignant party.

6) A declaration and votes of both houses of Parliament concerning the magazine at Hull, and Sir John Hotham Governour thereof.

7) The humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, to the Kings most excellent Majesty, for a pacification between His Majesty and both houses.

8) The desires and propositions proposed to Sir John Hotham, by the Prince, his Highnesse, concerning the town of Hull.

9) The declaration and votes of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the magazine at Hull, asnd Sir John Hotham Governour thereof.

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Civil War Tracts