Records of the Hull and District Sunday School Union



Admin History:

The Hull and District Sunday School Union was founded in 1819 and was made up of representatives from various non-conformist church Sunday Schools in the area. This area not only included Hull, Beverley and the surrounding villages but also Sunday schools in places such as Bridlington, Howden and Patrington. The Union was made up of members from the Congregational Church, the different strands of the Methodist Church as well as the Baptist Church and a number of independent chapels. Amongst its aims were to:- promote the opening of new schools: support existing schools with, for example, the appointment of an agent to supply suitable books etc.; encourage interaction between the schools to improve standards in teaching and management and to corresponded with the Sunday School Union in London.

The Beverley and District Sunday School Union was formed as a sub-union of the Hull District in 1929 at a meeting at the Lairgate Congregational School. It was open to all Beverley Sunday schools affiliated to the Hull district and nay other schools in the area. It was disbanded in 1961.

Minutes, including those of the Beverley and District Union (1853-1958, with gaps), annual reports and syllabuses for music festivals. Former references L.268 and L.268(62)BE.