Betty Wood, aged 11 years 8 months

Reference No:
L DEX24/29
9 Feb 1942

Recalls going to the Air Raid shelter to sleep when she heard a bang and the shelter rocked and then the wall came-in after another explosion. Her brother left the shelter to put out a fire bomb but was blown back into the shelter by another bomb nearby. He then noticed that their house was on fire 'and I started to cry'. It seems a bomb had hit the cable of the barrage balloon which had then hit the top of their house and others in the street.

Another bomb hit a neighbour, the Binnington's, with the blast damaging the door to their shelter. She finishes by saying that after the raid 'it became very quiet, and soon after the all clear went'.

Archive Item
1 item/5 pages
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Hull Local Studies Library
Children's Recollections of the Blitz