Reproduced illustrations of Hull vessels from the collection of the Ferens Art Gallery, Hull marking 200 years of the 'Ships of Hull, 1780-1980'.

early 19th cent.- c.1913


Admin History:

Commemorative collection of ship illustrations reproduced by the Hull Daily Mail marking 200 years of Ships of Hull, 1780-1980.

The original paintings are held by the Ferens Art Gallery, Hull with the exception of L DICM/8 which is held at the Hull Martime Museum. See for further information.


A series of 12 black and white reproduced illustrations of Hull vessels from the collections of the Ferens Art Gallery, reproduced by the Hull Daily Mail to mark 200 years of Ships of Hull, 1780-1980.

Includes a brief description and history by Arthur Credland, the former keeper of Maritime History at Hull's Martime Museum.