Records relating to Dorothy Johnson



Admin History:
Dorothy Busby was born in 1912. She married Albert E. Johnson in 1941. It appears that they lived for several years in Scarborough after leaving Hull. His father, Mr Albert Erik Johnson, fish wholesaler from Hull, was a cousin of Amy Johnson. His grandfather was Erik Johnson, brother of Amy’s grandfather, Andrew Johnson. Erik and Andrew from Denmark settled in Hull in the 1870s. Dorothy and Albert had three children, Roger (born 1947), Janine (born 1954) and Pauline (born 1957). Roger was a sales manager for Andrew Marr & Sons Ltd., Hull.
Miscellaneous items relating to Dorothy Johnson’s personal life. Her handwritten diaries show her interest in football and cricket and she often annotates her entries with newspaper clippings and details about British and world events. There are also documents relating to the wider Johnson family and their various businesses.