Wilson-Barkworth Collection: Items relating to Thomas Grimston, Justice of the Peace for the East Riding

Reference No:
L DLAB/3/3
13 Jan 1761-15 Apr 1761


1. Letter instructing the Constable of Beswick in the East Riding to search the house of Marmaduke Otley for James Holmes of Kingston upon Hull who is accused of murdering Hugh Beaty of Kingston upon Hull

2. William Lockington and Will Wharwood of Kilnwick for taking and marking sheep

3. Summons of Elizabeth Burnett of Hull to appear before the justices at the Tiger Inn, Beverley in repsonse to Richard Scot, Inkeeper of Hull in relation to leaving his employment as servant without just reason or complaint

4. Examination of Mary Ireland in response to bastardy of her child and that the only true father to be that of John Boast, labourer of Warter

5. Concerning Martha Sherwood applying for poor relief in the parish of Hutton for her and her husband Thomas Sherwood

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Hull Local Studies Library
Wilson-Barkworth Collection: Transcriptions, manuscripts and notes collected, compiled or written by Arthur Bromley Wilson-Barkworth