Wilson-Barkworth collection: Transcriptions, manuscripts and notes collected, compiled or written by Arthur Bromley Wilson-Barkworth

c.15th cent.-1933


Admin History:
Arthur Bromley Wilson-Barkworth was a noted Hull and East Riding antiquarian and a solicitor. Born Arthur Bromley Wilson in Hull in 1854, he graduated from Cambridge University in 1876. Upon marrying Emily Barkworth in 1883 he added Barkworth to his surname. He worked as a solicitor in Hull and died in Kirk Ella in January 1929. Later that year, Hull Libraries purchased the library compiled by Wilson-Barkworth, and his father, Edward Schimells Wilson. The collection originally contained over 1,000 books, manuscripts, engravings and maps, though it is not clear how much of this was acquired by Hull Libraries when it purchased the collection in 1929.
The collection contains material acquired by Wilson-Barkworth, or that which was previously in the possession of his father Edward Schimells Wilson. Some of the collection is Wilson-Barkworth’s own research and includes correspondence that he had collected or was directly involved with relating to matters of local history. There is no way of ascertaining the original order of the collection and it has therefore been arranged as in 'arrangement'