Manuscript Genealogical note book compiled by James Harrison



Admin History:
Compiled by James Harrison, described in the volume as the 'clerk to the Corporation of Hull as Lords of the Manor of Tupcoates cum Myton'. Harrison was the assistant to the Town's Clerk, and, according to contemporary author James Sheahan, was responsible for ensuring the availability of municipal documents for consultation. Hull Corporation was granted the Manor of Tupcoates with Myton by the charter of 1552.
Features the following genealogies:- Bethel; Scott; Carte; Bygott; Wells; Cobb; Rimmer; Peel; Brough; Dryden; Harrison; Bedell; Barber; Stothard; Dudworth; Thorpe; Frith and Wood, as well as notes on legal matters as they concern families and the ownership of property. Covers the years 1600s-1850s.