Holderness Alpha Probus Club



Admin History:

The Probus Club is a social organisation for retired businessmen and professionals, who met together in fellowship and to make new friends and was a development from the established Rotary Clubs. By 1972 there were an estimated 50 Probus Clubs across Yorkshire alone and two further clubs were formed to serve Central and Western Hull.

The Holderness Probus Club was formed in November 1970 after a meeting to gauge the level of interest, its first meeting was on 26th November 1970. Membership was restricted to 50 with new members being introduced by existing members. It held lunches and coffee mornings every two weeks initially at the Dorchester Hotel but then subsequently at The Pearson Park Hotel.

There are references to Ladies Evenings being held from 1975 onwards for the wives of Club members.

Records of Holderness Alpha Probus Club including Minutes (1970-1999) and correspondence (1970-1999) records relating to membership (1970-2001) are closed under the Freedom of Information Act.