Items relating to the Hull Bach Choir



Admin History:

The Hull Bach Choir formed in December 1951 by Peter Goodman, its first conductor, who later became Hull City Organist. Other conductors include Alan Farnill, the Hull City Music Librarian who co-founded the Bristol Bach Choir, and Denis Arnold who was a Lecturer in Music at the University of Hull, a Professor of Music at the University of Nottingham and Professor of Music at Oxford University.

Today the Hull Bach Choir is a group of around forty-eight singers who perfom four concerts a year in local churches, including a yearly carol concert. Their aim is to promote, improve, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of choral music in all its aspects. See for more details


Items relating to the Hull Bach Choir, mainly programmes, but also inlcude performance bills and posters.

Formerly kept at L.784.