Records relating to the Little Theatre, Hull



Admin History:
In 1924 a group of local enthusiasts founded a repertory company which became a private limited company, The Hull Repertory Theatre Company in 1928. It used the Lecture Hall, Kingston Square, for dramatic productions, renaming it 'The Little Theatre.' In 1928 a public limited company, the Little Theatre (Hull) Ltd, was formed to buy the hall, which it did in 1930. The two companies were amalgamated in 1933, and in 1939 acquired the Assembly Rooms. These were converted to the New Theatre under the designs of R. Cromie and W.B. Wheatley. The company engaged Peppino Santangelo to run the theatre, and with his drive and enthusiasm 1939 saw the New Theatre open, utilising the existing building and the assembly rooms next door. The theatre was bought by a London organisation in 1951 although the management remained unaltered. In 1961 it was sold to the corporation and in 1965 was run by a board of management appointed by the corporation.