Hull & District Printing & Kindred Trades Association



Admin History:

The federation was founded in 1890-2 but the original body became a provincial organisation when the London unions withdrew to form their own federation. In 1901 the PKTF was formed on a national basis, to represent the interests of all printing workers on questions of national or widespread application. After mergers in the 1960s and 70s between unions in the printing industry its original purpose became redundant and it was dissolved in April 1974.

It is not known when the Hull branch was formed but was clearly in existence prior to 1938.

See 'Sixty years of service: Printing and Kindred Trades Federation' (London, 1961)

Minutes of the Monthly Meetings and the Annual Meeting (usually in February) including a balance sheet containing summary financial details. The Association worked closely with the Joint Industrial Council (JIC).