Loose papers relating to education (refusal of teaching post in Scotland on religious and political grounds); deportation from colonies; conscientious objectors; conspiracy to commit crimes; corporal punishment and preventive detention; closed shop; United Nations publications - Commission on the status of women

Reference No:
U DCL/14/11


a) Correspondence between E. A. Allen and P. Stein. P. Stein was refused a teaching position in Scotland on account of him not following a Christian Religion (Jan 1950), with press cuttings about Stein’s refusal and correspondence to County and Union Secretaries by E. A. Allen.

b) Letter about Addulaye Diallo being deported from Nigeria (12 Dec 1950)

c) Correspondence General Secretary and V. F. Hill about the latter's conscientious objection and being summoned to trial for it.

d) Newspaper cuttings about a suspect being sentenced to four years in prison for conspiracy to commit crimes involving the illegal importation of over 10,000 ‘foreign made watches’ (Oct 1950)

e) Newspaper cuttings (Apr 1950) about the preventive detention of suspects and the appeals against the practice.

f) Newspaper cuttings (1950), man loses job over a fine imposed on his son, with correspondence General Secretary (Oct 1950)

g) Letters from J. F. Welsh, Austro-Hungarian born former hotel manager who was removed from position in Plymouth during 1944 following false reports made by disgruntled servicemen guests.

h) UNESCO documents, including Report about discrimination against women in the field of political rights (15 Mar 1950); memorandum on the 'Constitutions, Laws and other legal instruments relating to the nationality of married women' (21 Feb 1950); memorandum: Replies of member governments to the supplementary list of questions on nationality and domicile as they affect the status of married persons.

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Records of Liberty (formerly The National Council for Civil Liberties)