File. Military detention barracks

Reference No:
U DCL/6/1


a) Letter from LL White with draft of Military Detention Barracks statement, 27 October 1942. With reference to staffing, training, type and classification of prisoners, privileges for prisoners, medical attention, visits to detention barracks by responsible officials, remission of sentences, welfare arrangements.

b) Letter from D N Pritt, 2 November 1943.

c) Letters from F J Bellenger (2), 17 March & 24 April 1942.

d) Letter from E Allen regarding Interview with Mr H Cronin (Prison Officers' Association) July 1943.

e) Press clipping regarding Major H Willis, Secretary of Inquiry into detention Barracks. 3 August 43.

f) Central Board for Conscientious Objectors Bulletin, June 1942.

g) Iron Duke at Scapa Lyness.

h) Correspondence regarding absenting without leave including mention of Frank Sellars, Colin Stead, Robert Ord, John Thomas Smith, Joseph Mcdonnell

i) Complaints of the treatment of prisoners in Military Detention Camps, 31 December 1941.

j) Correspondence between E M Forster, D N Pritt, J R Ackerly, L C White, regarding the publication of the Detention Barracks Report.

k) Report of the Prime Minister's Committee of Enquiry into Detention Barracks, November 1943.

l) Revised versions of NCCL report on Military Detention Barracks.

m) Press Cuttings regarding 'Glass house trial case', solitary confinement and the manslaughter of a man in army detention camp, June 1943. Gunner X, Aug 1943.

n) Discussion of the condition in Glass Houses and newspaper report, with pictures, on the inside of detention barracks.

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Records of Liberty (formerly The National Council for Civil Liberties)